Page:Saducismus Triumphatus.djvu/276

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man was used to such practices, will appear fully when I come to prove Witchcraft from * express Texts.


  • The express Texts that he means, I suppose are such as these, Exod. 22. 18. 2 Chron. 33. 6. Gal. 5. 20. Micah. 5. 12. Acts 13. 6, 8. and Chap. 8, 9. and more especially Deut. 18. 10. Where almost all the Names of Witches are enumerated, namely, of all those that are inveigled by Covenant with Evil Spirits, either explicitly, or by submitted to their Ceremonies, See Dr. H. M. his Postscript.


They that hold it was an Evil Spirit that appeared to Saul, that their opinion may be true for ought Mr. Webster brings against it.

AS to the Opinion of divers Divines, that the appearing Samuel was indeed an Evil Spirit in his likeness, though I judge it not so probable as the other of the real Samuel, yet the interpretation is not absurd nor impossible. And because I do not absolutely determine either way, I shall defend it against Mr. Webster's contrary Arguments, which whether it be so or not so, prove nothing. He saith,

First, That this begs two false suppositions, p. 175. as First, That the Devils are simply incorporeal Spirits. By which if he means Incorporeal in their Intrinsick Essential Constitution, such no doubt they are, as every Intellectual Being is. But if he mean by simply Incorporeal, disunited from all Matter and Body, so perhaps (and most likely) they are not. But neither the one, or the other of these, is supposed by the Opinion Mr. Webster impugnes. The second false supposition is, That Devils can assume Bodies. That they can appear in divers