Page:Saducismus Triumphatus.djvu/240

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peared to Hagar, Gen. 16. Three Angels in the shape of Men appeared to Abraham, Gen. 18. Two to Lot in the same likeness, Gen. 19. An Angel called to Hagar, Gen. 21, 17. and so did one to Abraham, Gen. 22. An Angel spake to and conversed with Jacob in a Dream, Gen. 31. One of the same appeared to Moses in the Bush, Exod. 3. An Angel went before the Camp of Israel, Exod. 14. An Angel met Balaam in the way, Numb. 22. An Angel spake to all the People of Israel, Judges 2. An Angel appeared to Gideon, Judges 6. and to the Wife of Manoah, Judg. 13. An Angel destroyed the People, 2 Sam. 24. An Angel appeared to Elijah, 1 Kings 19. An Angel smote in the Camp of the Assyrians 184000. 2 Kings 35. An Angel stood by the Threshing floor of Ornan, 1 Chron. 21. 15. An Angel talked with Zachariah the Prophet, Zach. 1.

An Angel appeared to the two Mary's at our Lords Sepulchre, Matth. 28. An Angel foretold the Birth of John Baptist to Zachariah the Priest, Luk. 1. Gabriel was sent to the Holy Virgin, Luk. 1. 26. An Angel appeared to the Shepherds, Luk. 2. An Angel opened the Prison Door to Peter and the rest. Acts 5. I might accumulate many more instances, but these are enough. And many circumstances of sensible Converse belong to more of them, which may be read at large in the respective Chapters. And since the Intercourses of Angels were so frequent in former days, why should we be averse to the belief that Spirits sometimes transact with Men now?


  • I find amongst Mr. Glanvil's Papers, the first Lineaments or Strokes of an Answer to Mr. Wagstaffe, and to the Author of the Doctrine of Devils, but more fully to Mr. Webster, at least Seventeen Sheets where he answers solidly and substantially where I can read his Hand, but it reaches but to the Sixth Chapter. And in truth he has laid about him so well in these Sheets that are published, that those may well seem the less necessary.