Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 3.djvu/428

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will (of Heaven); And thus he secured the confidence due to a king.

He secured the confidence due to a king, And became the pattern of all below him. Ever thinking how to be filial, His filial mind was the model (which he supplied).

Men loved him, the One man, And responded (to his example) with a docile virtue. Ever thinking how to be filial, He brilliantly continued the doings (of his fathers).

Brilliantly! and his posterity, Continuing to walk in the steps of their forefathers, For myriads of years, Will receive the blessing of Heaven.

They will receive the blessing of Heaven, And from the four quarters (of the kingdom) will felicitations come to them. For myriads of years Will there not be their helpers?

Ode 10. The Wăn Wang yû Shăng.

The praise of kings Wăn and :—how the former displayed his military prowess only to secure the tranquillity of the people; and how the latter, in accordance with the results of divination, entered in his new capital of Hâo, into the sovereignty of the kingdom with the sincere good will of all the people.

King Wăn is famous; Yea, he is very famous. What he sought was the repose (of the people); What he saw was the completion (of his work). A sovereign true was king Wăn!

King Wăn received the appointment (from Heaven), And achieved his martial success. Having overthrown Khung[1] He fixed his (capital) city in Făng[2]. A sovereign true was king Wăn!

  1. As related in ode 7.
  2. Făng had, probably, been the capital of Khung, and Wăn