Page:Rowland--The Mountain of Fears.djvu/151

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"'No,' he answered. 'It must be done to-night, because Trocas knows with whom he has to deal, and unless I am mistaken there will come an order to-morrow to remove little Jacob, probably to Caracas, and you know he does very badly in the cold, damp air of the mountains; also, the change of altitude is apt to bring out another attack of the fever.'

" 'Have you thought of any definite plan?' I asked, irritably. He grinned at me like a baboon.

" 'That is for you, my dear Doctor,' said he. 'You have had more experience in such matters.'

" 'That is all very well,' said I, 'but you seem to forget that I am engaged by you to carry out your orders. Now, go ahead and issue them.'

"His grin left him at this and he began to scowl and reach for the overhang of his mus tache with his big yellow teeth. Finally he said: 'I engaged you, as you say, Doctor, to carry out my orders, but I will do better. One

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