Page:Robinson Writings of St Francis Assisi.djvu/193

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Francis had retired on account of his infirmities, and, if we may believe the tradition which finds formal expression in the Speculum Perfectionis, two strophes were subsequently added by the Saint to the original composition,—the eighth strophe upon the occasion of a feud between the Bishop and the magistrates of Assisi, and the ninth one when the Saint recognized the approach of death. M. Renan, with what Canon Knox Little[1] calls "his characteristic inaccuracy," asserts that we do not possess the Italian original of the Canticle, but have only an Italian translation from the Portuguese, which was in turn translated from the Spanish.[2] And yet the original Italian text exists, as M. Sabatier notes,[3] not only in numerous MSS. in Italy and France, notably in the Assisi MS. 338[4] and at the Mazarin Library,[5] but also in the Book of the Conformities.

The Canticle is accepted as authentic by Professors Boehmer and Goetz in their recent works on the Opuscula of St. Francis. If it does not figure in the Quaracchi edition, the reason is that the Bibliotheca Franciscana Ascetica Medii Ævi, of which the Opuscula forms part, is confined to works written in Latin, and hence M. Sabatier's animadversions on the "theological preoccupations" of the Quaracchi editors are altogether aside the mark.

The text of the Canticle here translated is that of the Assisi MS. 338 (fol. 33), from which the version

  1. See his St. Francis of Assisi, p. 235, note 2.
  2. See Nouvelles Etudes d'histoire religieuse, p. 331.
  3. Vie de S. François, p. xxxiv and chap, xviii.
  4. This text was published by Fr. Panfilo da Magliano, O.F.M., in his Storia Compendiosa, also by M. Sabatier in his Vie de S. François and later in his Speculum, pp. 334–35.
  5. Professor Boehmer published the text of the Maz. MS, 1350 in his Sonnengesang v. Fr. d'A., in 1871.