Page:Return to Nature!.djvu/34

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mistakes of former nature cure methods, of the old vegetarianism, etc. But in doing so I do not wish to hurt any one.

I shall now advance a mode of life and a curative system which has nothing whatever to do with science, and in which we allow ourselves to be guided, as I have frequently stated before, by the great teacher, "Nature," alone. Thus at last a beautiful, bright morning sun will rise from dark chaos, which mankind shall greet with joy.

We now have a simple nature-cure system; as simple as the great teacher, nature, herself. This nature-cure system is the same for all diseases and all cases, even as the origin of all diseases has but one cause, an unnatural mode of life; and there exists a unity in all the laws of nature and in all her manifestations. All the former nature-cure methods will gradually dissolve in this one true nature system.

In this method there is nothing to be learned in the usual sense of the word; every one who has but freed himself from the spell of modern wisdom and science can apply it. Through it men become free from all dependency on and slavery to the entire fraternity of physicians, doctors of medicine as well as nature doctors.

Nature does not err, therefore in her the errors and contradictions which are now keeping so many away from the nature-cure method, do not exist.

The invalid who allows himself to be guided entirely by the hand of nature is led gently, without severity and distressing deprivations, much more gently, and more pleasantly, quickly, and more surely than by the former nature-cure methods, back to health, strength, and vital energy unto a fresh, green meadow full of flowers and sunshine. And above all, the severest and most desperate diseases, in the presence of which the ordinary nature doctor is helpless, loosen their grip and drop off before Nature.

The true nature-cure system penetrates with its healing power into the innermost recesses of the mind and soul. Dark veils are lifted from the mind; even the soul participates in the