Page:Return to Nature!.djvu/18

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— xiv —

Health Shirts, Shoes, Sandals, Stockings, Gloves, Suspenders 72

Trousers for Men and Women 74

The Corset 75

Swathing clothes for Children 76

Going Bareheaded 77

The Purpose of Clothes 79

Jesus and Clothes 80

Furniture 82

Curtains 83

Beds. 84

Earth Power 85

Man and his relation to the Earth 85

The Myth of Antaeus 86

The significance of Ancient Myths 86

The Bible 86

Sleeping on the Ground 88

False use of Reason, Science 89

The great significance of Going Barefooted 93

Additional directions for Sleeping on the Bare Ground 98

The present need of sleep, a consequence of unnatural living 96

Details with regard to Sleeping on the Bare Ground 102

How can one daily exploit the Earth-power? 102

The Fear of Catching Cold 103

Further Remarks on the Origin of Acute and Chronic Diseases, and the significance of Air with regard to them. . . 106

The injuriousness and danger of the Fear of Catching Cold . . 110

Earth Bandages and Earth Compresses 119

The Rationale of Earth Bandages and Earth Compresses .... 119

The great significance of Earth Bandages 119

Directions for Earth Bandages 121

No Blood Poisoning through Earth Bandages 121

Earth Compresses 122

Significance and Application of Earth Compresses 123

Directions for Earth Compresses 124

Earth and Sand Baths 126

Earth and Clay as Skin Purifiers 127

How Shall we Bury Our Dead? 129

Nutrition According to Nature 132

Science and the Question of Nutrition 132

Fruits, Man's Natural Food 134

The greater and lesser Disadvantages of the Foods hitherto used 136

Fruit Diet 137

Fruits alone contain healing juices 139

The Nut our Chief Food 139

Milk, Bread, Vegetables, and other transitional Foods 140

The great mistakes of Contemporary Vegetarians 142

Dr Densmore and his Teachings 144

Unripe Fruits 145

Vegetables and leguminous foods 146

Tropical fruits 147

Sugar very injurious 147

Details with regard to nutrition according to Nature 148

Ought man to Drink?. 149