Page:Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election.pdf/279

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U.S. Department of Justice

Attorney Work Product // May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)

3 testimony over the weekend and thought that something was "not right" with Comey.[1] The President said that Comey should be removed and asked Sessions and Rosenstein for their views."** Hunt, who was in the room, recalled that Sessions responded that he had previously recommended that Comey be replaced.[2] McGahn and Dhillon said Rosenstein described his concerns about Comey's handling of the Clinton email investigation.[3]

The President then distributed copies of the termination letter he had drafted with Miller, and the discussion turned to the mechanics of how to fire Comey and whether the President's letter should be used.[4] McGahn and Dhillon urged the President to permit Comey to resign, but the President was adamant that he be fired.[5] The group discussed the possibility that Rosenstein and Sessions could provide a recommendation in writing that Comey should be removed.[6] The President agreed and told Rosenstein to draft a memorandum, but said he wanted to receive it first thing the next morning.[7] Hunt's notes reflect that the President told Rosenstein to include in his recommendation the fact that Comey had refused to confirm that the President was not personally under investigation.[8]According to notes taken by a senior DOJ official of Rosenstein's description of his meeting with the President, the President said, "Put the Russia stuff in the memo."[9] Rosenstein responded that the Russia investigation was not the basis of his recommendation, so he did not think Russia should be mentioned.[10] The President told Rosenstein he would appreciate it if Rosenstein put it in his letter anyway.[11] When Rosenstein

  1. Hunt-000026-27 (Hunt 5/8/17 Notes).
  2. Sessions 1/17/18 302, at 10; see Gauhar-000058 (Gauhar 5/16/17 Notes) ("POTUS to AG: What is your rec?").
  3. Hunt-000027 (Hunt 5/8/17 Notes).
  4. McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 14; Dhillon 11/21/17 302, at 7. '3! Hunt-000028 (Hunt 5/8/17 Notes).
  5. McGahn 12/12/17 302, at 13.
  6. Hunt-000028-29 (Hunt 5/8/17 Notes).
  7. McCabe 9/26/17 302, at 13; Rosenstein 5/23/17 302, at 2; see Gauhar-000059 (Gauhar 5/16/17 Notes) ("POTUS tells DAG to write a memo").
  8. Hunt-000028-29 (Hunt 5/8/17 Notes) (*POTUS asked if Rod's recommendation would include the fact that although Comey talks about the investigation he refuses to say that the President is not under investigation. ... So it would be good if your recommendation would make mention of the fact that Comey refuses to say public[ly] what he said privately 3 times.").
  9. Gauhar-000059 (Gauhar 5/16/17 Notes).
  10. Sessions 1/17/18 302 at 10; McCabe 9/26/17 302, at 13; see Gauhar-000059 (Gauhar 5/16/17 Notes).
  11. Gauhar-000059 (Gauhar 5/16/17 Notes); McCabe 5/16/17 Memorandum 1; McCabe 9/26/17 302, at 13.