Page:Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election.pdf/163

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U.S. Department of Justice

Attorney Work Product // May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)

Grand Jury [1]

After the brief second meeting concluded, Nader and Dmitriev discussed what had transpired.[2] Dmitriev told Nader that he was disappointed in his mectings with Prince for two reasons: first, he believed the Russians needed to be communicating with someone who had more authority within the incoming Administration than Prince had.[3] Second, he had hoped to have a discussion of greater substance, such as outlining a strategic roadmap for both countries to follow.[4] Dmitriev told Nader that Grand Jury  Prince's comments Grand Jury  were insulting Grand Jury [5]

Hours after the second meeting, Prince sent two text messages to Bannon from the Seychelles.[6] As described further below, investigators were unable to obtain the content of these or other messages between Prince and Bannon, and the investigation also did not identify evidence of any further communication between Prince and Dmitriev after their meetings in the Seychelles.

iii. Erik Prince's Meeting with Steve Bannon after the Seychelles Trip

After the Seychelles meetings, Prince told Nader that he would inform Bannon about his discussion with Dmitriev and would convey that someone within the Russian power structure was interested in seeking better relations with the incoming Administration.[7] On January 12, 2017, Prince contacted Bannon's personal assistant to set up a meeting for the following week,[8] Several days later, Prince messaged her again asking about Bannon's schedule.[9]

Prince said that he met Bannon at Bannon's home after returning to the United States in mid-January and briefed him about several topics, including his meeting with Dmitriev.[10] Prince told the Office that he explained to Bannon that Dmitriev was the head of a Russian sovereign wealth fund and was interested in improving relations between the United States and Russia.[11]

Prince had on his cellphone a screenshot of Dmitriev's Wikipedia page dated January 16, 2017,

  1. Grand Jury 
  2. Nader 1/20/18 302, at 15; Grand Jury  
  3. Nader 1/22/18 302, at 9,15: Grand Jury  
  4. Nader 1/22/18 302, at 15.
  5. Grand Jury  Nader 1/22/18 302, at 15
  6. Call Records of Erik Prince Grand Jury 
  7. Prince 4/4/18 302, at 10; Prince 5/3/18 302, at 4; Grand Jury 
  8. 1/12/17 Text Messages, Prince to Preate.
  9. 1/15/17 Text Message, Prince to Preate.
  10. Prince 4/4/18 302, at 11; Prince 5/3/18 302, at 5.
  11. Prince 4/4/18 302, at 11; Prince 5/3/18 302, at 5.