Page:Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election.pdf/151

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U.S. Department of Justice

Attorney Work Product // May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)

acknowledged having read,[1] Kilimnik wrote, "[a]lI that is required to start the process is a very minor 'wink' (or slight push) from DT"—an apparent reference to President-elect Trump—"and a decision to authorize you to be a 'special representative' and manage this process." Kilimnik assured Manafort, with that authority, he "could start the process and within 10 days visit Russia [Yanukovych] guarantees your reception at the very top level," and that "DT could have peace in Ukraine basically within a few months after inauguration."[2]

As noted above, Grand Jury  and statements to the Office, Manafort sought to qualify his engagement on and support for the plan. Grand Jury 
 [3] Grand Jury 
 [4] Grand Jury 
 [5] Grand Jury 

On February 26, 2017, Manafort met Kilimnik in Madrid, where Kilimnik had flown from Moscow.[6] In his first two interviews with the Office, Manafort denied meeting with Kilimnik on his Madrid trip and then—after being confronted with documentary evidence that Kilimnik was in Madrid at the same time as him—recognized that he met him in Madrid. Manafort said that Kilimnik had updated him on a criminal investigation into so-called "black ledger" payments to Manafort that was being conducted by Ukraine's National Anti-Corruption Bureau.[7] Grand Jury  

Manafort remained in contact with Kilimnik throughout 2017 and into the spring of 2018.

  1. Manafort 9/11/18 302, at 6; Grand Jury 
  2. Investigative Technique 
  3. Grand Jury 
  4. Grand Jury 
  5. Grand Jury 
  6. 9/21/17 Email, Zatynaiko to Kilimnik.
  7. Manafort 9/13/18 302, at 1.
  8. Grand Jury  In resolving whether Manafort breached his cooperation plea agreement by lying to the Office, the district court found that Manafort lied about, among other things, his contacts with Kilimnik regarding the peace plan, including the meeting in Madrid. Manafort 2/13/19 Transcript, at 29-31, 40.