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at the end of the third act as awe-inspiring as anything we have ever seen in the theatre."

John Corbin in The New York Times

"In the intelligence of its writing, the novelty of its action and the provocative nature of its mood, R. U. R. sustains the high traditions of The Theatre Guild."

Stephen Rathbun in The New York Evening Sun

"R. U. R. is super melodrama—the melodrama of action, plus ideas, a combination that is rarely seen on our stage."

Maida Castellum in The Call

"The most brilliant satire on our mechanized civilization; the grimmest yet subtlest arraignment of this strange, mad thing we call the industrial society of today, has come to the New York stage this week from Prague in R. U. R.—Karel Capek's philosophic melodrama."

New York Globe Editorial—

"One of the most interesting dramas presented in New York in a decade."

Dr. Frank Crane

"It is significant of the oneness of the world and the unity of the intellectual life of modern civilization that the freshest and most thoughtful play in America this season comes from Czechoslovakia. It is called R. U. R. . . . The play is very skillfully constructed and is a delightful entertainment."