Page:Punch (Volume 147).pdf/71

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July 15, 1914.]


Little Girl. "Please, Mrs. Murphy, Muvver says, if it's fine to-morrer, will you go beggin' with 'er?"



By Vernon Blathers (Jack Short, 6/-).

The Weekly Scotsman. "... vivacious narrative..."

The Strathpeffer Courant. "Replete with up-to-date sentiment... knowledge of the beau monde... racy, but never transcending the bounds of decorum."

The Buttevant Despatch. "Passages which the author of 'The Rosary' might be proud to have written... high ideals... love interest well sustained... careful punctuation."

The Nether Wallop News. "Mr. Blathers is a benefactor... reminds us of T. P. O'Connor... luscious word-painting... well-chosen epithets."

The Machrihamish Mirror. "Stylish writing... Mr. Blathers is evidently a persona grata in the most recherché circles."

The Chowbent Eagle. "Edifying, yet entertaining... faithful portraiture, but... not in the least like Zola... undoubtedly readable."

The Criccieth Sentinel. "... inside knowledge of Mayfair... redolent of humanity at its best... fluid and flexible style... suitable for a country congregation."

The Kilmarneck News. "... cannot remember any book which... better than this is."

The Pilworth Post. "... redundant with wit..."

The Peebles Advertiser. "Mr. Blathers... go far."

The Worcester Academy. "Mr. Blathers is to be most heartily congratulated."

The N. Wales Dictator. "... masterly delineation of the Smart Set."

The Peak News. "... witty to excess."

The Bermondsey Examiner. "Few books so well worth re- and re-reading."

The Poplar Courier. "A fine novel."

The Sligo Spectator. "... marked ability..."

The Rutland Observer. "... meritorious..."

The Winchester Tribune. "... feast of entertainment. Mr. Blathers' next should be ... awaited with impatience."

The Isle of Wight Critic. "... clever novel ..."

The Cader-Idris Athenaeum. "... psychology... humour... passion."

The Bucklaw Post. "... emotional depths..."

The Sunday Deliverer. "... remarkable book..."

The Simla Gazette. "... verdict... profoundly enthralling work of fiction."

The Geelong Times. "... better than... George Eliot."

The Cork Pall Mall. "A brilliant first effort."

The Hackney Examiner. "... well written..."

The Tooting Express. "... amusing..."

The Monthly Citizen. "The characters have life and movement."

"Before lunch each section held its annual meeting in private, and at two o'clock the company sat down to a substantial and very acceptable repast, which was greatly relished by the visitors. After being operated upon by a photographer the party split."

Ledbury Guardian.

We were rather afraid they had over-done it.

From a photographic catalogue:—

"This is a most complete little Projector... It is quite self-contained and will protect a thirty-inch picture any where at a moment's notice."

It shou!d be installed at the Royal Academy without delay.