Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 3.djvu/28

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On the hereditary instinctive propensities of Animals. By Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq. F.R.S. page 476
On Meteorological deductions from Observations made at the Observatory at Port Louis in the Mauritius, during the years 1833. 1834, and 1835. By John Augustus Lloyd, Esq. Surveyor-General of that Island, F.R.S 477
On the Development and Extinction of regular doubly refracting structures in the crystalline Lenses of Animals after death. By Sir David Brewster, K.H. LL.D. F.R.S 478
Observations on the minute structure of the higher forms of Polypi, with observations on their classification. By Arthur Farre, M.B.. 478
Observations on the minute structure of some of the higher forms of Polypi, with views of a more natural arrangement of the class. By Arthur Farre, M.B. Lecturer on Comparative Anatomy at Si. Bartholomew's Hospital 479
On the Temperature of Insects, and its connexion with the functions of Respiration and Circulation. By George Newport, Esq 479
Observations on the Dry-rot of Ships, and an effectual method to prevent it pointed out. By James Mease, M.D 482
Experimental Researches on the conducting powers of wires for Electricity; and on the heat developed in metallic and liquid conductors. By the Rev. William Ritchie, LL.D. Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in University College, London 482
On the Ipoh or Upas poison used by the Jacoons and other aboriginal tribes of the Malayan peninsula. By Lieut. T. S. Newbold, Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier-General Wilson, C. B... 483
Delia Velocita del Vento. Di Luigi Dau, Dottore in Matematica e Fisica 484
Consid6rations physiques sur le passage Nord-ouest. By the same 484
Causes dela Variation diurne de V Aiguille aimantee, de la Lumiere zodiacale, des Aurores Boreales, et Methodesimplifieepour lerelevement des Longitudes. Par Demon ville 484
On the elementary structure of the Muscular Fibre of Animal and Organic Life. By Frederic C. Skey, Esq., Assistant Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, F.R.S 484
Sequel to an Essay on the Constitution of the Atmosphere, published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1826 ; with some account of the Sulphurets of Lime. By John Dalton, D.C.L. F.R.S 485
Researches on the Tides. Eighth Series. On the progress of the Diurnal Inequality-wave along the coasts of Europe. By the Rev. William Whewell, F.R.S. &c 485
Note on the Fluctuations of the Height of High-water due to changes in the Atmospheric Pressure. By J, W. Lubbock, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. 485
On an improved mode of constructing Magnets. By James Cunningham, Esq. Member of the Cork Scientific and Literary Society 486