Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 3.djvu/19

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An Inquiry into the Nature of Death ; being an attempt to ascertain its more immediate causes with a view to the better regulation of the means of obviating them. By A. P. W. Philip, M.D. F.R.S. L. &Ed page 263
On the Tides. By John William Lubbock, Esq. V.P. and Treas. R.S. 265
An Account of some Operations executed at Cape Frio, by the Officers and Crew of His Majesty's Ship Algerine, for the purpose of raising a part of the Stores, &c. lost in His Majesty's Ship Thetis. By the Hon Commander F. T. de Roos, R.N. F.R.S 266
An Account of a Concave Achromatic Lens, adapted to the Wired Micrometer which has been named Macro-micro, from its power to increase the primary image of a Telescope without increasing the diameter of the wires in the Micrometer. By George Dollond, Esq. F.R.S 267
On the Structure and Functions of tubular and cellular Polypi; and of Ascidiag. By Joseph Jackson Lister, Esq. F.R.S 268
On the Theory of the Moon. ByJohn William Lubbock, Esq. V.P. and Treas. R.S 270
Some Suggestions relative to the best method of employing the new Zenith Telescope lately erected at the Royal Observatory. By John Pond, Esq. F.R.S. Astronomer Royal 270
Narrative of the Proceedings of Commander Thomas Dickinson, of His Majesty's Sloop Lightning, while employed in the Enterprise for the Recovery of the Public Stores and other property sunk in His Majesty's late Frigate Thetis, on the south-west side of the Island of Cape Frio. By Commander Thomas Dickinson, R.N 271
On a General Method in Dynamics, by which the Study of the Motions of all free Systems of attracting or repelling Points is reduced to the Search and Differentiation of one central Relation, or characteristic Function. By William Rowan Hamilton, Esq., Andrew's Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin, and Royal Astronomer of Ireland 275
Observations on the Motions of Shingle Beaches. By Henry R. Palmer, Esq. F.R.S 276
On some Elementary Laws of Electricity. By W. Snow Harris, Esq. F.R.S 277
On the Generation of the Marsupial Animals ; with a Description of the impregnated Uterus of the Kangaroo. By Richard Owen, Esq. Member and Assistant Conservator of the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, London 278
On a new Law of Combustion. By Charles J. B. Williams, M.D. 280
On the Connexion between Refracted and Diffracted Light. By Paul Cooper, Esq 281
Observations on the Reciprocal Influence which Magnetic Needles exercise over each other, when placed at a given distance within their respective Spheres of Action, at different positions on the Earth ; with Tables of numerical Results obtained at separate Stations. Also a method of discovering where certain local influences are acting on the Needle, from which may be obtained a proportional correction to be applied to Magnetic Observations in general. By Edward J. Johnson, Esq., Commander R.N 282