Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 67.djvu/45

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In general, each laboratory wing is divided longitudinally by a broad corridor, and the rooms on each side, which are in most instances of convenient size (23 feet by 30 feet), have adjustable terra cotta walls whereby the rooms may be enlarged or reduced in size according to needs in individual cases. But in the case of the physiological chemistry building there is no medial corridor, and the laboratories are placed across the wing. Also in the building devoted to pathology and bacteriology one wing contains two large teaching laboratories, while the other wing is divided up into smaller rooms for research work.

In the administration building there are the school offices, a general reading room, an alumni room, four lecture rooms and the Warren Museum occupies the third floor.

The general public associates the names of Pasteur and Koch with single discoveries, but fails to realize that those men have introduced

new methods of work and study, and that the things that their names are especially associated with are but incidents in broad systems; and it is the encouragement of such studies and their practical application that the Harvard Medical School has especially in mind in the arrangement of its new laboratory equipment.

We wonder that the great improvements and discoveries in medicine are not more widely applied. How can they be when the great majority of practitioners have not had the scientific training necessary