Page:Popular Mechanics 1928 01.pdf/155

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Loading Box Aids Field Work with Camera


Since cut film has supplemented glass plates for photographic work, photography has taken one of the greatest forward strides after dry plates displaced wet ones. Every photographer, however, if he does much field work, is confronted with the problem of carrying a sufficient number of holders, or reloading them on locations where he does not have access to a photographic dark room. Roll film is at present the only material that can be satisfactorily loaded or unloaded by daylight, but its use is out of the question for anything but amateur work. The thousands of commercial photographers, and others who do photographic work upon a serious basis, must use either plates or cut film, and with them, loading or unloading holders in the field is always a problem.

With This Easily Made Portable "Dark Room," the Field Photographer Has No Difficulty in Loading and Unloading Plate and Film Holders

The writer was recently called upon to do certain photographic work in a region where he was to make some 300 negatives, and where not once during a period of six