Page:Poems of Sentiment and Imagination.djvu/254

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TO ———.

The sunshine through the snowy clouds is stealing
Like a bride's glances through her bridal vail,
And so Hope glances through the shadowy feeling
That wraps it in a mantle soft and pale!

Oh, something in my heart pines on forever—
A wish, a want, a yearning still the same;
And when to question it I make endeavor,
The voice within me answers back thy name;
Oh, something in my heart moans on forever—
With a low sound that haunts me night and day!
And when to question it I make endeavor,
Alone—alone—alone! it seems to say.

But now, to-day, I hardly feel the pining—
The moaning of my heart is almost still—
For thy dear presence all around is shining.
Thy spirit all this loneliness doth fill!
I see thee, and I hear thee, and I know thee—
Though far away, I recognize thee near!
This bright June beauty, so like thine, doth show thee
Seen, yet impalpable, still lingering here.

The locust blossoms whitely wave and sparkle.
Tossing their chalices upon the breeze.
Filled with the dewy drops that burn and darkle
As they wave in and out among the trees.
Oh, these sweet locust-blossoms, tuned to dances.
In their white beauty yearning toward the sky,
Are only like thy many graceful fancies,
Restlessly beautiful, and pure, and high!

This brightness in the air, subdued and tender,
Is like the presence of thy radiant eyes;
And yon white cloud that glows with a soft splendor—
Such a young glory on thy forehead lies,