Page:Poems of Sentiment and Imagination.djvu/180

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"The vision haunted me! and soon became
A part of every thought and hope in life—
And I forgot the mockery of fame—
Its followers, its bitterness, its strife—
And went forth with a wildly thrilling heart
To seek, and find, and wed my spirit-love,
Whose sweet face of ray dreaming was a part.
Whose spiritual grace seemed stolen from above.

"I went abroad—and wandered far and long
In search of her—my blessed spirit-bride;
I mingled in full many a brilliant throng,
Where were assembled loveliness and pride.
Bewildering eyes looked softly into mine—
Bright lips breathed low, sweet music on the air;
Rich tresses their luxuriant wealth did twine
Around young brows most eloquently fair.

"And peerless forms with gliding steps went by;
And softer beauty stole behind the while;
And dazzling haughtiness before my eye
Melted its cunning lip into a smile.
Bewildering sweetness slept like a still dream
Upon pure foreheads stainless as the snow;
And deep, dark eyes looked out with dewy gleam
From timid lashes lifted soft and slow.

"But not the breathing charm of glowing lips,
Nor the magnificence of midnight eyes,
Nor brows which did the pearls they wore eclipse.,
Nor the mute eloquence which sometimes lies
Within a smile, nor the exquisite grace
Of tiny feet upon rich carpets prest,
Could take away the beautiful yung face
Whose holy sweetness lay within my breast.

"Wearied with searching for its owner there,
Amid such haunts of splendor and of pride,