Page:Poems White.djvu/154

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Glad and happy, and always at play,
Busy, at something the livelong day,
Ever good natured, with a bright smile,
Making the best of things all the while;
Climbing the tree, or jumping the fence,
Or springing upon you, you know not whence,
Playing at marbles, or any ball game,
Always in motion, ever the same;
Living out the last inch of his life,
When he's laughing, or at battle strife;
Working out history of man,—boy too;
Years of the old time, present days through.
No care nor worry enters his head,.
He sleeps soundly when he goes to bed;
Great resentment cannot live long where
Mind is healthy, with no room to spare.
Without a thought of what he has on,
Off to business or pleasure he's gone,—
Happy and free as birds of the air,
Full of the open, his health to share.
