Page:Poems White.djvu/141

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As it sprung with glad challenge in eyes;
Hers responded quite soon to this boy,
Quickly fluttered with love's sweet surprise.
'Twas great love at first sight, for the two.
God planned all, in His wondrous way,
Such love, that is but blessed to a few;
And how gloriously happy are they!
The proud father soon gave his consent
He should marry his beautiful girl.
So off on a long journey he went,
Gathering up fairest robes for his pearl.
When the wedding day was very near
A long letter the father received,
The bridegroom, it seemed, they could hear,
Had a wife, a divorce gave, to leave.
Then forth to this young man was it brought,
The letter, with such terrible news.
The truth from his lips her father sought,
To know how such foul scandal he views.
"'Tis the truth," then the young man replied,
"And my sorrow is great, and sore grief,
That at college the hard knot was tied,—
Just a boy, and I soon sought relief.
She was ten years my senior, and then
She clawed at my heart—was softest clay.
I learned too late of her worth, just when
My son was born, but ere that sad day
I had tired of her long, but for this:—
To be faithful I vowed, for my boy.
'Twas no use; no caress, mother's kiss,
