Page:Poems Truesdell.djvu/7

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Circleville Watchman.

"The sentiment that runs through the whole work, is elevating and instructive. There is a sweet spirit and depth of imagination in every sentence, that at once, places the authoress in the front rank of the first poets of the age."

Ohio Statesman.

"For the first time, we have seen this unpretending collection of poems, the production of one of Ohio's own daughters. They are chaste and natural in style. Many of the pieces abound in patriotic, and some in humorous sentiment. "

Kentucky Flag.

"It is certainly a work of high merit, and one which should be liberally patronized by all."

Democratic Union.

"The gifted authoress is endowed with a clear perception of the real and the true. Many passages of the work evince a substantial appreciation of the 'poets' art; and bear the unmistakable impress of a vigorous intellect."

Cincinnati Enquirer.

"That the book possesses high poetic merit we must allow,—this, by the way, is the concession of our judgment—not the mere mouth-praise of gallantry for the sex. Her style is simple, pure and sweet, tinged with a melancholy spirit, which is often rather a charm to poetry than a defect."