Page:Poems Truesdell.djvu/36

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lament for nathaniel m'lain.
But not for me, oh! not for me,
To look upon thy face,—
Only the mournful task is mine,
This record sad to trace:
For now, O brother of my soul!
From earth thou'st passed away,
And that warm, generous heart of thine,
Lies 'neath the cold, cold clay.

In sable garb, with saddened step,
And sadly-waving plume,
They laid thee with thy young renown,
Low in the silent tomb;
With laurels fresh upon thy brow,
They laid thee down to rest
Within thine own dear native land—
Fair Valley of the West!

Our father's joy is turned to grief;
Our mother's hopes have fled;
The visions that we cherished, all
Like withered leaves lie dead: