Page:Poems Trask.djvu/93

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Her life was a calm, flowing river,
Going ever pleasantly on;
Her world was the cottage, and meadow,
Walled in by the blue horizon;
She soothed every heart that was weary,
And kissed off the tears of the sad,—
Oh, many a spirit that good woman made
Rise up from grief and be glad.

He died, as dieth the hero,
Unflinching, fearless, and brave!
Defying the waiting death-angel,
Defying the deep hungry grave!
She died, as the soft summer sunset
Goes out o'er the hills of the west,
Put her hands in the hands of her Saviour,
And leaned her head on His breast.

Oh, who, in the time that approacheth,
Shall mete out to each the reward?
Which one has done best with the talents
Vouchsafed by the hand of the Lord?
Will he wear the crown of the conqueror?
Will her brow be bound with joy's glow?
Will he, or she, gain the true happiness?
Ah! who that is mortal may know?