Page:Poems Trask.djvu/42

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The moon, so calm in holy quietude.
Sails in the pathless ocean of the blue;
As if to cheer her queenly solitude,
A single star from the pale gloom peeps through.

The shadows thicken. On the southern ridge
The weird pine forest rises grim and black,—
The white road leading to the alder bridge
Gleams through the maples like a ghostly track.

The lush green meadows send up clouds of mist,
White as the snow that falls from wintry skies;
Day's forehead pales where Night has stooped and kissed
To gloom and silence all her brilliant dyes.

Laggard! thou'rt sitting idly,
With useless folded hands,—
Unmindful of the desert spots
And wastes of barren lands.
Up! rouse from this dead stupor,
And gird thine armor on!
When once a firm resolve is made,
Full half the battle's won!

What right hast thou to squander
The talents God has sent?
What right in rust to bury
The powers He has lent?