Page:Poems Trask.djvu/30

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Come forth those days when all the atmosphere
Is redolent and ripe with tender glow,—
Those perfect days when heaven stoops down so near
The angels fan us with their wings of snow;
So cometh perfect peace and faith in God
To human hearts when wrung with bitterest woe.

All trials that befall are for our good;
We would not lose a single chastening touch
If thoroughly God's plan we understood,
And knew affliction profiteth so much!
Oh, let me wear my Faith, an amulet,
That shall ward off all doubt! Make me thine own;
And early though my sun of life shall set,
Give me the grace to say,—"Thy 'will be done!"
And, holding not the things of earth too close,
Turn unto God, and cling to Him alone.

December's gloom is over earth,
The dead leaves moan and sigh,
And stark beneath a clouded moon
The frozen streamlets lie.

I linger where the black-leaved pines
Chant weird psalms faint and low,
And, like a breath of sweet perfume,
Come dreams of long ago.