Page:Poems Trask.djvu/117

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Go to your milking, Bess, while yet the stains
Of sunset on the sky are bright!


Well, mother, sure I know dear Will will think
I'm fickle and untrue!
And a great shade of sadness will come o'er
His eye so calm and blue;
And he will think that I have played him false,—
Not dreaming it was you!


Bessie, 'tis nonsense loving this young Will!
He's plain, and proud, and poor!
If 'twere not for the gossip of the dames,
I'd drive him from my door;
And I forbid you e'er to see his face,
Or listen to his silly love-words more!


But, mother, Willie's Aunt Jerome is dead,—
Died but a week ago,—
And left ten thousand pounds of gold to Will!
Last night he told me so;
And he's to be a gentleman, and dwell
Where servants at his bidding come and go!


Ha! Ann Jerome is dead? Bess, say you so?
And left her wealth to Will?