Page:Poems Osgood.djvu/242

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an allegory.

With delicious melody, allaying
All his feverish ecstasy and pride—

Thrilling, low, unutterably sweet,
Came her pure, soft tones, with angel pleading,
While his heart to each clear cadence beat,
Quick, in glad reply, all else unheeding.

Boy, refrain! the poison, breathing
From the goblet, clouds thy soul!
Lo! the golden serpent, wreathing
Round the brim with glittering roll,
Emblem of the death within,
Know'st thou not it tempts to sin?

Boy, beware! I may not offer
Joy unearn'd by toil of thine;
Wealth, with lock'd and laden coffer,
Luxury's pillow are not mine.
But if thou, with trust confiding,
High and fervent walk with me,
Holiest comfort—peace abiding,
Thine thro' trials dark, shall be!
Like the mystic steps in air,
That th' Egyptian pupil trod,