Page:Poems Osgood.djvu/219

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the daisy's mistake.

And the frill of my robe is as while as the snow;
And I mean to be brighter than Crocuses are."

Now the zephyr and sunbeam were wild with delight!
It seem'd a whole age since they'd play'd with a flower;
So they told a great fib to the poor little sprite
That was languishing down in her underground bower.

"Come out! little darling! as quick as you can!
The Crocus, the Cowslip, and Buttercup too,
Have been up here this fortnight, we're having grand times,
And all of them hourly asking for you!

"The Cowslip is crown'd with a topaz tiara;
The Crocus is flaunting in golden attire;
But you, little pet! are a thousand times fairer;
To see you but once, is to love and admire!

"The skies smile benignantly all the day long;
The bee drinks your health in the purest of dew;