Page:Poems Osgood.djvu/201

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Ah: thus when Fortune's storms assail thy soul,
  Yield not, nor shrink! but bear thee bravely still
  Against their fury! With thine own sweet will
And childlike faith, oppose their fierce control,
So shalt thou bloom at last, my treasured flower,
Unharm'd by tempest-shock, in Heaven's calm summer bower!

on howard's picture of "the hours awaking the morning."
She sleeps! on her cloud-pillows softly reclining,
Her glowing cheek dimples with dreamy delight,
Around her white shoulders rich sun-tresses twining,
With dim, dewy lustre, illumine the night;—

Yes! faint through the mist that enwreathes her reposing,
The gleam of that golden hair glistens the while,