Page:Poems McDonald.djvu/149

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in memory of henry s. craig.
Life was all bright before thee—who could deem
It's fairy promises would fade so soon?
Fond hopes have perished like the rainbow's gleam—
A sun obscured at its high hour of noon:
Age had not stamped his furrows on thy brow,
Nor strewed his silvery threads in thy dark hair:
Still wore thy manly cheek its wonted glow,
Unwrinkled by the withering touch of care:
Thine eye yet flashed with all the fire of youth,
And on thy lip dwelt stern, unbending truth.

Oh! there is darkness o'er thy home, and tears,
Deep, burning tears of heart-felt agony,
As memory brings again thine earlier years,
Oh! loved and lost one, still are shed for thee:
Thy mother for her first-born bows in dust,
Her stay in widowhood, her pride and joy;
Recalls thy childhood's time of love and trust,
And wails thy manhood's glory fall'n for ay:
And thy young sisters, who will guard as thou,
Their orphan heads from every evil now?