Page:Poems Greenwood.djvu/78

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i never will grow old.
'T is hard to think the time must come
When I can seek no more,
With step bold as a mountain child's,
Deep dell and rocky shore;—

No longer on my swift young steed,
Bound o'er the hills as now,
And meet half way the winds that toss
The loose locks from my brow!

Yet still my spirit may go forth
Where fearless fancy leads,
May take at will as glorious rides,
On wild, invisible steeds!

Ye tell me as a morning dream
Shall pass away, ere long,
My humble, yet most passionate,
Adoring love of song.

No, no! life's ills may throng my way,
And pride may bend the knee,
And Hope's bright banner kiss the dust;—
But lofty Poesy