Page:Poems Greenwood.djvu/64

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The listeners,—how, as with hushed breath
They drink in every word,
Is the martial spirit through their veins
Like a stream of lightning poured!
How eye meets eye in a kindred blaze,
Like the flash of sword on sword!

The Briton, on the hill's high brow,
With levelled arms, they see;
And thou below,—thy gray war-steed
Dashing on gallantly,
A shout springs to their lips, their souls
Go leaping down with thee!

Like Wolfe, upon the crimsoned turf
It was not thine to lie,
The cannon's roar in thy dying ear,
The strife in thy dying eye;
With thy country's banner o'er thy head,
Unrolling broad and free,
And with thy passing spirit thrilled
By shouts of "Victory!"

But by the hands of Peace and Love
Thy white death-couch was spread;