Page:Poems Greenwood.djvu/47

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Fast round me closed the shades of sleep;
Then burst upon my sight
Visions of glory and of love,
The stars of slumber's night!
Dreams, wondrous dreams, that far around
Did such rich radiance fling,
As the sudden first unfurling
Of a young angel's wing.
Then sometimes blessed beings came,
Parting the midnight skies,
And bore me to their shining homes,
The bowers of Paradise;
I felt my worn, world-wearied soul
Bathed in divine repose,
My earth-chilled heart, in the airs of heaven,
Unfolding as a rose.

Nor were my dreams celestial all,
For oft along my way
Clustered the scenes and joys of home,
The loves of every day;
Soft after angel-music still
The voices round my hearth,—
Sweet after Paradisean flowers
The violets of earth.