Page:Poems Greenwood.djvu/121

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voices from the old world.
'T is Erin mourning for her sons,
The dying and the dead!
They perish in the open fields,
They fall beside the way,
Or lie within their hovel-homes,
Their bed the damp, cold clay,
And watch the sluggish tide of life
Ebb slowly day by day!
They sink as sinks the mariner
When wrecked upon the wave,
"Unknelled, uncoffined, and unknown,"
No winding-sheet,—no grave!

To us her cry. Be our reply,
Bread-laden argosies!
Let love's divine armada meet
Her fearful enemies!
Give, give! and feel the smile of God
Upon thy spirit lie;
Draw back, and let thy poor soul hear
Its angel's parting sigh.
Give, give!—O Heaven, who would not give
When Erin's brave sons die?

O sisters, there are famishing
The old, with silver hair,