Page:Poems Greenwood.djvu/104

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The young Countess Plater did in truth die for Poland, though it was not hers to fall in the field. Her health was destroyed by the terrible hardships which she endured, and her heart broken that she had endured them in vain.

O rainbow of the battle-storm!
Methinks thou 'rt gleaming on my sight;
I see thy fair and fragile form
Amid the thick cloud of the fight!

I mark thy glowing lips compressed,
Thy brows in haughty sternness knit,
The eager panting of thy breast,
The strange fire in thy blue eyes lit.

On, on, in maddest bravery dashing,
Thou lead'st thy band against their foes!
Now Russian blades are round thee clashing,
Now Russian ranks about thee close!