Page:Poems Curwen.djvu/94

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little sweethearts.

Little Sweethearts.
Side by side they sit and play,
Or hand in hand together stray
Up and down the sun-lit way.

He wears a cap of crimson hue,
She has a coat of crimson too;
Her eyes are grey, and his are blue.

Such merry eyes he has, and she
Reflects his every look of glee.
Their age? Oh, they are not yet three!

At morn, she hastes with eager feet
This little love of her's to greet;
And lifts her face his kiss to meet.

"Put down oor dollie and tum wis me,
And I will take rue walk," says he;
And she lays down dollie obediently.

Then clasping hands away they go,
With smiling lips and eyes aglow,
Tongues wagging fast, and footsteps slow.

Sweet innocents, with smiling eyes,
Wand'ring in childhood's paradise—
That Eden where no serpent lies.

May the Father's blessing rest on ye,
His holy angels your guardians be,
Little sweethearts of summers three!