Page:Poems Curwen.djvu/170

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yuletide bells.

And weep for the widowed wives
And babes whose fathers are lost.
  Then, as you hurry through the storm
  To the comforting glow of the fireside warm,
Think what the coal has cost!

Yuletide Bells.
The stars still shine in their pristine glory,
And the moon with her silvery light,
As they shone when the old world heard the story
From the shepherds that wondrous night;
When the angel hosts to Bethlehem came,
And mankind heard the Saviour's name.

The old sad world loves the story still,
And its great heart throbs and swells,
For it loves the messages of goodwill
Ringing out from the Yuletide bells:
The old sweet message the bells have borne
To man on many a Christmas morn.

The bells of Yule with their varying chimes
Fall sweet on the world's tired ears—
Worn with the noisy hum of the times,
And the strife of the hurrying years;
And the welcome voices of "Peace and Goodwill,"
As years roll on, sound sweeter still.