Page:Poems Blagden.djvu/68

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the church of the gesù.
So pale, so wan, it seemed to crave
The rest and solace of the grave!—
A little dust, "neath which to hide
This mocking pomp, this blazoned pride.
So sad, it looked yet sadder here,
Upraised on this imperial bier,
O'er which the sunshine glittered fair,
O'er which the torches threw their glare,
O'er which the organ’s grand despair
Breathed forth its agony of prayer—
Than if in some lone quiet room
It meekly waited for the tomb,
No earthly sounds, no human breath
T' affront the majesty of Death!

But here the tie of brotherhood
Was wrenched away; yet round him Earth,
And Earth's most garish splendour stood:
The baptism of angel birth,
The holy calm, through which we know
This the elect, God-chosen brow,
Sealed with His seal, was darkened, here,
For earth too far,—for heaven too near.