Page:Poems Blagden.djvu/109

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rome from the ripetta.
Not prematurely severed falls a chain,
A nation wins its birthright to be free,
On the broad field of sure material gain,
By freedom's law, not lawless liberty!

By work-days, not by "feste," pens, not swords,
Ploughshares, 'stead of daggers; not the flow
Of idle "vivas," nor warm frothy words,
But cold mute lips, knit brows, and hands that do.

Mark ye no symptoms of a mighty birth,
Hear ye no voice of angel Prophecy,
No signs of travail in this pausing earth,
No portents in yon grand and star-crowned sky?

Hark! from the gardens of the Aventine
There is a welcome hum of busy strife;
A people rise, where once knelt slaves supine,
Walking tumultuously to freedom's life!

Effaced the splendour of Rienzi's fame
Beneath thy dim Byzantine fane, St John!
Paled by the glories of a mightier name,
The giant shade was advent of the dawn.