Page:Poems Baldwin.djvu/71

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The steam doctors have had 'a convention';
Men, women, and children did go,
To hear of this strange new invention,
Said to cure all diseases, you know.

    They say it turns gray hairs to brown,
     Can smooth an old maid's wrinkl'd cheek;
    Can dispel from the brow every frown,
     Make furies look lovely and meek!

'Tis said, and I doubt not the truth,
That love it will cure in all cases;
From the mind of a too-faithful youth
All thoughts of his lady-love chases!

    Now if pity still dwells in your breast,
     Oh, publish this piece of good news;
    As you have so often oppress'd,
     In mercy you cannot refuse!

Enough of this nonsense, you'll say,
And tell me about all my friends;—
I saw Miss H. B. yesterday,
And she much love to you sends.

    Fanny C. is married at last!
     I went to the wedding with Jane;
    Though the sky did look overcast,
     And we were afraid it would rain.