Page:Poems Baldwin.djvu/160

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Built upon Honor! noblest power thou,
That sittest o'er the chanceful fates of men;
The brightest jewel on the monarch's brow;
Like heaven's own light! beaming the brightest when
Thou mayest not look for reward again.
Or e'en perchance concealing thine own pain,
That others may be blest; with gentle hand
Touching the wound magnanimity should hide,
To sooth, nor yet appear to understand,
The grief a friend must shield with jealous pride;
To give, and without seeming to divide
What is one's own! Oh, Power of heavenly birth,
How seldom do we view thy form on earth,
Yet, oh! how nobly thou canst all command!

(On being requested to write an example of perfect love.)

She was a maiden on whose brow of care
Sat resignation, beauteous and fair;
The brow where thought enthron'd its own stern form
Was lighted by a smile, as in a storm
The fairest rays tinge the dark clouds in light,
Or as the moon beams calmly on the night.