Page:Poems Allen.djvu/247

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As pure of purpose, in these soiling times,
And single-hearted as a diamond,
The core of whose transparent soul is light;
His was as tender as a woman's heart,—
His nature sweet and artless as a child's,
Yet strong and helpful. In his serious eyes
There shone the record of a clean, fair life
Which had no shame to hide, no stain to weep;
He earned this sudden honor valiantly,
The quick promotion of a glorious death,—
"Killed in the advance, while leading on his men."
And could our selfish grief deny it him,
And long to call him back? No, warrior-saint;
        Put on thy crown!

I do not know the place where he was laid,
After the long day's dreadful work was done.
They buried him upon the battle's brink,
His war-worn comrades,—gently, reverently,
With his young laurels fresh about his brow,—
And I might search there all the summer's day
Nor ever find him. But it is enough
To know his tender body is at rest,
And that the cannon will not break his sleep.