Page:Poems Allen.djvu/218

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My life has been so barren and forlorn,
So full of tears and losses, is that Fate
Made some unkind mistake, and I was born
An age too early or an age too late.

And when I read in these strange, wistful eyes
The yearning lack of something which I know
They never found in life, I think with sighs
A century too late—ah, more's the woe!

Perhaps I am the one for whom he sought,
Walking the earth's dry places o'er and o'er,
Calling for her, alas! who answered not,
And, never finding, lacked forevermore!

Perhaps I might have lived a nobler life,
If but these marvellous eyes had held me dear;
Perhaps I might have soothed the proud soul's strife,
Outlooking from their darkness deep and clear;—

Perhaps—who knows? O sad and tender eyes,
Look not upon me so reproachfully;
Since bitterly my soul forever cries,
"O cruel Love, that did not wait for me!"