Page:Poems Allen.djvu/194

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And in these rooms where once her sweet voice rung,
Now soaring loud, now softly murmuring,
There floats the echo of a song half sung,—
The last my darling ever tried to sing.

But you, aflush with happy motherhood,
Your child alive and warm upon your arm,—
You look across into my solitude,
And tell me I must be resigned and calm;—

That God is good and kind, despite my grief;
That He has saved my babe tom pain and woe,
And she is blest. Help Thou mine unbelief,
O Healer! But I would that I could know

On what fair angel-bosom rests to-night
The tender cheek I touched so reverently,—
What white-robed spirit robs me of my right,
And takes my baby's kiss away from me.