Page:Poems Allen.djvu/181

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And the loosely-looped curtains, so snowily white,
Mocked the robe of the tempest that raged in its might,
And shut out the stormy and boisterous night
From the Beautiful Chamber of Rest.

And when the new morning was gilding the skies,
I heard in my slumbers so blest
A gentle voice murmuring sweetly, "Arise!"
And I woke from my dream with a joyous surprise,
To meet the soft radiance of loving blue eyes
Whose smiling transformed to a bright Paradise
The Beautiful Chamber of Rest.

Ah me! by and by, when my life-dream is told,
And I cease from its wearisome quest,
When slumber's soft arms will my weary frame fold
In the chamber that waits for the young and the old—
But the room will be dark, and the bed will be cold,
And the pillow all dreamlessly pressed,