Page:Poems (Barbauld).djvu/121

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 Let heaven's high arches echo with his name,
 And the wide peopled earth his praiſe proclaim;
Then ſend it down to hell's deep glooms reſounding,
Thro' all her caves in dreadful murmurs ſounding.

 He rules with wide and abſolute command
 O'er the broad ocean and the ſtedfaſt land:
Jehovah reigns, unbounded, and alone,
 And all creation hangs beneath his throne:
He reigns alone; let no inferior nature
Uſurp, or ſhare the throne of the creator.

 He ſaw the ſtruggling beams of infant light
 Shoot thro' the maſſy gloom of ancient night;
 His ſpirit huſh'd the elemental ſtrife,
 And brooded o'er the kindling ſeeds of life:
Seaſons and months began the long proceſſion
And meaſur'd o'er the year in bright ſucceſſion.
