Page:Pipetown Sandy (Sousa 1905).djvu/28

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"But if yer wants to try one, I'll show yer the hang of it. They're as easy as dirt when yer git useter 'em,"—and by way of illustration he executed a dozen backward and forward.

"Golly, that's great!" gasped the little fellow.

"Jest try it onct, I won't let yer hurt yerself."

"I'll try it, but I'm sure I can't do it," said the younger boy, although anxious to follow Sandy's instructions.

"Git down on all fours; now put yer hands flat on the ground like a monkey. Give me yer feet; that's all right; I'll hold yer up by the legs an' rock yer, while yer git useter the rush o' blood in yer noddle."

After Sandy had swayed Gilbert for a minute, he exclaimed, "How's that?"

"All right, I guess," pantingly replied the little one, the exertion proving almost too much for him. Sandy, realizing this, helped him to his feet.

"That's bully good. Yer've got sand in yer craw, an' as soon as yer gits a little muscle, yer'll do 'em as slick as yer please."

Before the recess was over, Gilbert had almost succeeded in accomplishing a handspring, with but slight assistance from his athletic companion.