Page:Phosphor (1888).djvu/12

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recovered we moved to Kent, and rented a pretty cottage.

Oh! thou beautiful county, how I now long for those peaceful days spent amongst thy woods and green fields.

When our affairs were settled my mother found she only had five hundred a year, which had fortunately been settled on her at her marriage.

She could not bear me out of her sight; so, instead of sending me to school, she procured me a tutor, who, seeing I had an aptitude for learning, took pains to teach me all he knew, and he being an extremely clever man, I derived no small benefit from his services.

I had no companions of my own age, and having little else to do, found the time passed with him was the most pleasant dining the day. His had been an unlucky life. Whilst he was studying his parents died, and finding himself without the necessary funds to last him through his examination, was obliged to leave the University and take to teaching as a means of gaining a livelihood.

He, however, always cherished the idea of one day being a qualified medical practitioner.

From his constant reference to this subject he instilled into my mind a desire to become a member of that profession. So after passing the preliminary examination with ease, and with much