Page:Passages from the Life of a Philosopher.djvu/433

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d. Cheese turned over daily during 121 days.
A few minutes' difference in the time of the dairy-man's attendance to perform this operation made the days slightly unequal.

e. Cheese lifted up and pitched into a cart.

f. Cheese jolted in cart during half a day on its way to to be shipped at Gloucester.

g. Cheese pitched from cart into ship.

h. Ship sails with the cheese for Southampton.

i. The motion of the waves makes the mites sea-sick for three days. Multitudes die.

j. Cheese taken from ship and pitched into a cart; as in the period e.

k. Cheese conveyed in cart to cheesemonger at Salisbury—the mites dreadfully jolted.

l. Cheese pitched into cheesemonger's shop, as in e.

m. Long period of repose of the cheese on the cheese-monger's shelf.

n. A cylindrical cavity made and piece taken out for a customer to taste. Portion of cylinder replaced.

Air being let in, a part of the cheese becomes rotten, in which large worms are produced, giving rise to the story of the dragon.

In order to discover the month in which the cheese was made, I remarked that, since it was turned over on its shelf in the cheese-room exactly 121 times, it must have been first placed there in some month which, together with the three succeeding months, had a number of days exactly equal to 121.

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