Page:Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris (1904 reprint).djvu/63

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The Garden of pleaſant Flowers.

but an accidentall kinde thereof, whereas it is (as is ſaid before) held to bee conſtant, continuing in this manner.

6. Fritillaria flore luteo puro. The pure yellow Fritillaria.

The pure yellow Fritillaria hath a more round, and not ſo flat a whitiſh roote as the former kindes, and of a meane bigneſſe; from the middle riſeth vp a ſtalke a foote and a halfe high, and ſometimes higher, whereon are ſet without order diuers long and ſomewhat broad leaues of a whitiſh greene colour, like vnto the leaues of the blacke Fritillaria, but not aboue halfe ſo broad: the flower is ſomewhat ſmall and long, not much vnlike to the blacke for ſhape and faſhion, but that the leaues are ſmaller and rounder pointed, of a faint yellowiſh colour, without any ſhew of ſpots or checkers at all, eyther within or without the flower, hauing ſome chiues and yellow pendents in the middle, as is to be ſeene in all of them: the ſeede is like the firſt kinde.

7. Fritillaria flore luteo vario ſiue punctato. The checkerd yellow Fritillaria.

This Fritillaria groweth not much lower then the former, and browniſh at the riſing vp, hauing his leaues whiter, broader, and ſhorter then it, and almoſt round pointed. The flower is greater, and larger ſpread then any other before, of a faire pale yellow colour, ſpotted in very good order, with fine ſmall checkers, which adde a wonderfull pleaſing beauty thereunto: it hath alſo ſome liſts of greene running downe the backe of euery leafe. It ſeldome giueth ſeede; the roote alſo is like the other, but not ſo flat.

8. Fritillaria lutea maxima Italica. The great yellow Italian Fritillaria.

This kinde of Fritillaria riſeth vp with a round and browne greene ſtalke, whereon are ſet diuers leaues ſomewhat broad and ſhort, which compaſſe the ſtalke at the bottome of them, of a darke greene colour; at the toppe of the ſtalke, which bendeth a little downewards, doe moſt vſually ſtand three or foure leaues, betweene which commeth forth moſt vſually but one flower, which is longer then the laſt, hanging downe the head as all the others doe, conſiſting of ſixe leaues, of a darke yellowiſh purple colour, ſpotted with ſome ſmall red checkers. This kinde flowreth late, and not vntill all the reſt are part.

9. Fritillaria Italorum polyanthos flore paruo. The ſmall Italian Fritillaria.

This ſmall Italian Fritillaria carrieth more ſtore of flowers on the ſtalke, but they are much ſmaller, and of a yellowiſh greene colour, ſpotted with long and ſmall darke red checkers or markes: the ſtalke hath diuers ſmall ſhort greene leaues thereon, vnto the very toppe.

10. Fritillaria lutea Iuncifolia Luſitanica. The ſmall yellow Fritillaria of Portugall.

The leaues of this Fritillaria are ſo ſmall, narrow and long, that it hath cauſed them to take the name of ruſhes, as if you ſhould call it, The ruſh leafed Fritillaria, which ſtand on a long weake round ſtalke, ſet without order: the flower is ſmall and yellow, but thicker checkerd with red ſpots then any of the other yellow Fritillaria's; the ſtalk of the flower, at the head thereof, being alſo of a yellowiſh colour.

11. Fritillaria Pyrenæa ſiue Apenninea. The blacke Fritillaria.

The roote of this kinde doth often grow ſo great, that it ſeemeth like vnto the roote of a ſmall Crowne Imperiall: the ſtalke is ſtrong, round, and high, ſet without order, with broader and whiter greene leaues then any of the former, bearing one, two, or three flowers; ſometimes at the toppe, being not ſo large as thoſe of the ordinary purple Fritillaria, but ſmaller, longer, and rounder, ſometimes a little turning vp the brims or edges of the leaues againe, and are of a yellowiſh ſhining greene colour on
